Boost your wholesale and retail businesses using BigCommerce.
3 min readJan 21, 2023


What if you can have a tool that allows you to enhance front-end and back-end wholesale functionality to improve front-end SEO and customer experience across all of your customer groups?

Source: BigCommerce

Introducing BigCommerce Wholesale eCommerce!

BigCommerce provides you with just one front-end and back-end process. You can combine your wholesale and retail channels on a single website and back end. You can use a landing page to find new wholesale customers, and when they log in, modify your website to suit their preferences for products and prices.

BigCommerce also provides you with automated administration of customer groups to automatically personalize a wholesale customer’s experience on the website, including special pricing, items, reordering, and approval procedures, and assign them to distinctive customer groups.

Besides, BigCommerce has built-in client customization for the price list feature. The integrated pricing list allows you to adjust costs and promotions to the specific SKU for every customer. In addition, BigCommerce provides you with a simple distribution of updated pricing lists to individual wholesale accounts or client groups.

Retail shoppers and wholesale customers both shop differently. Wholesale customers require confident payment choices and website experiences due to significant order volumes and approval procedures; all of these requirements are provided by this platform.

BigCommerce provides elastic search-based faceted search with support for custom fields for more precise searching. BigCommerce collaborates with Nextopia and PunchOut2Go, among other punchout solutions. Without caps, native CSR-produced quotation management and bulk pricing are split down to the SKU level for each individual or client group.

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Moreover, BigCommerce had to provide integration possibilities using third-party solutions and APIs to enable an automated order flow procedure. Last but not least, the new platform had to accommodate both B2C and B2B online shoppers and consumers.

BigCommerce is designed as a distinct page to enable wholesalers to see the appropriate pricing list, choose from a menu of items, and place new orders or add to current ones.

This platform provides a platform with a simple user interface, making it exceedingly simple to upload and add a product to the store. You can maintain at least 50,000 stock codes that demand frequent revisions every year.

When using BigCommerce, you can take the necessary fields, add your custom fields, and then quickly upload and download lengthy product lists using spreadsheets. You can upload any product soon as long as you are familiar with the column headers.

So what are you waiting for? With BigCommerce, retail and wholesale coexist for your business benefit. Try it now!

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