Build complex sites easily with this amazing tool.
3 min readSep 18, 2022

WordPress can show a vast range of content, but organizing it can be difficult. There are only a few default options, and changing any of them can be challenging. By using custom post types, it is possible to produce a new item type that will have a distinct set of data. Because of this, it will have a unique admin menu, a set of special taxonomies, editing pages, and more!

If you want to have software that boosts the functionality of your WordPress website with a custom post type, stick around and read this article until the end.

Source: ACPT

Meet ACPT.

The new custom post type manager aids in creating your website from within WordPress. Furthermore, there is no coding knowledge needed. In a matter of seconds, you can register and manage new custom post types.

Plus, you will be able to take complete control of your CPTs and learn to master them. Additionally, it only takes three clicks to register, maintain, and associate new custom taxonomies. You can develop complex designs using the new repeater field.

Source: ACPT

Moreover, it has a Gutenberg integration that is specifically designed for WooCommerce. It enables you to create an interactive block and generates the ACPT custom shortcode. With only a few clicks, you can create and maintain product data and related fields!

Source: ACPT

You will also be able to directly manage complex post-type relationships with the field manager. Furthermore, with a brand-new drag-and-drop, simple-to-use HTML builder, you can create unique templates from scratch for your custom post types’ archives and single pages. You can customize Elementor widgets to assist, and you will be able to control ACPT meta fields in the editor.

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Source: ACPT

You can quickly create and manage product data with a custom WooCommerce integration.

Plus, you can also utilize a fundamental REST API integration. With the help of the custom APIs dashboard provided, you can use WordPress as a headless CMS. You can also customize the look and feel of your website, and you can import and export data.

Optimize your website with a custom post type! Try ACPT today with a lifetime deal at $29!

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