Grow your sales with the help of 35 million influencers on this platform.
3 min readSep 23, 2022

We are excited to share this lifetime deal for Influencify!

For only $59 dollars, get lifetime access!

If you want to sell products on social media or you want to manage your own social media marketing campaigns, you will need a tool that allows you to find strong influencers and team up with them effectively. Influencify is a good place to start.

Source: Influencify

Sometimes an advertisement does not express the real brand image or deliver the experience of how it would be to use your products. That is where influencers come into play. But, you have to look for the right influencer for your product. This is where Influencify comes in.

Influencify is an influencer marketing platform that assists you in increasing your sales by helping you in finding and connecting with influencers and selling your product. If your account has more than 2,000 followers, you can get started in just a few clicks by identifying influencers in your target audience. Connect your accounts directly, and the software will assess your profile and find influencers who follow you or have liked any of your posts.

Influencify will create a list of all identified influencers, allowing you to create a campaign and invite them to become brand ambassadors.

With Influencify, you can use the Discovery tool to find the right influencers for your next campaign. Simply enter the social channel and depending on your criteria, you can narrow down the list by using the audience filters.

You will see thousands of matching influencers with key metrics like followers, engagement rate, and views that you can save to your list and become brand ambassadors for you.

Source: Influencify

If you already have an audience on Instagram or Twitter and are looking for new ways to increase engagement and sales, Influencify is definitely worth taking a look at.

Lifetime deal starts at only $59 dollars! Save as much as $1100 dollars and get lifetime access to Influencify! Don’t miss out on this amazing deal!

Get the right people to notice your brand. Try Influencify NOW!

Check out other software deals available on our YouTube Playlist here.

About — We make short videos about great software to help educate potential customers. We focus on Limited-time deals and other short walk-throughs about great software for entrepreneurs and small businesses globally. We hope our videos are helpful and pack a lot of information in short snippets. All the best, Onil, Founder

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**The deals contained in this article are time sensitive, as they are provided by the software provider. Software Trailers is not responsible for accessing the deal once it is out of date.



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